Many people are struggling with why to be awake. I know of my own causes that caused this. So I’ve eliminated fast food and meat from my daily eating routine. It represents a serious problem when you can’t sleep. But if you have the wrong immune system in the brain too much activated because each […]

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We have many questions about a healthy immune system. And a healthy immune system is a healthy brain immune system. Researchers have already back in 2010 discovered that there is an immune system in the brain. Surely it is that the brain’s immune system has lymphocytes. Like with activation of the immune system in the […]

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Stop eating meat? Well, it’s how the immune system affects the brain. And inflammation happens when your immune system is activated in the brain. Surely it’s all about the pain in the head without having a feeling of pain. The inflammation is a sign that the immune system is doing its work. But fairly this […]

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Schizophrenia affects 20 million people worldwide, and we don’t exactly know how it develops, or what causes it yet. However, some research has found that it might be an autoimmune condition. The hypothesis that the immune system is a reason for Schizophrenia is well covered by Karolinska Institute. This thus is how the brain has […]

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This video is off-topic to the site. Still, it’s a great video showing you intentionally to become interested in knowing how to do it. The intuitive watch makes us create better health by masking old destructive behaviours with new ones. It’s this century time we will start understanding mental illness. And not just then we […]

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When dealing with motivational videos, they uniquely enlighten us. Through them, you’ll find not only the truth but your inner self becomes calmer, and you increase your happiness at almost anything. You are increasing your future likelihood to become much far into the future at the present situation. Motivational videos are healthy, but they are […]

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If you take small changes in life, if you create a system against pron you will succeed. But when you slip into your old habits is because you have the wrong system for change. Small improvements matter and there is a big burden on this. But at least you want a trophy by changing your […]

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The main reason by science today to attain Schizophrenia is infection. Vaccines give mild infection. But maybe? Is Schizophrenia by hypothesis a different variant of HIV? It’s not a chronic sickness; it’s with having nature of the chronic disease. So it is somehow treatable. Yes, if we concentrate on what we eat. How much or […]

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Often it’s diet and a profile; there are many different causes of suicide. It’s even harder to prevent, and often it’s not even a profile known to the public; now, we have to raise awareness about suicides. And genuinely, they are based primarily on depression. Sometimes it’s because of massive destruction from within or outside […]

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How to reprogram yourself is by increasing the positive thinking to another dimension. It’s by perhaps positively acting upon how you confront things. But there are several steps to achieve things in life: watching something like this for about 15 minutes, not asking yourself too many questions but getting them answered. You can often do […]

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Sometimes psychiatrists are more than needed. If they control you, they can sometimes make higher faults, but let’s not focus on the wrong people, and often there are many good psychiatrists. And the best knows the adept way of medicine and psychotherapy. But for most psychiatrists, there is a need to learn more specific the […]

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(May 26, 2010) Professor Robert Sapolsky finishes his lecture on language and then dives into his discussion about schizophrenia. He discusses environmental factors and genetic characteristics that could apply to people who are affected. He describes schizophrenia as a disease of thought disorder and inappropriate emotional attributes.

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