There is a close link between the immune system and Schizophrenia. Finally, we can understand that in research on the substances found in the inflammation with Schizophrenia and Depression there is an increase of certain interleukins and the same low-grade activation of the immune response. So now we can study this more and get a […]

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We have many questions about a healthy immune system. And a healthy immune system is a healthy brain immune system. Researchers have already back in 2010 discovered that there is an immune system in the brain. Surely it is that the brain’s immune system has lymphocytes. Like with activation of the immune system in the […]

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Stop eating meat? Well, it’s how the immune system affects the brain. And inflammation happens when your immune system is activated in the brain. Surely it’s all about the pain in the head without having a feeling of pain. The inflammation is a sign that the immune system is doing its work. But fairly this […]

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Schizophrenia affects 20 million people worldwide, and we don’t exactly know how it develops, or what causes it yet. However, some research has found that it might be an autoimmune condition. The hypothesis that the immune system is a reason for Schizophrenia is well covered by Karolinska Institute. This thus is how the brain has […]

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The main reason by science today to attain Schizophrenia is infection. Vaccines give mild infection. But maybe? Is Schizophrenia by hypothesis a different variant of HIV? It’s not a chronic sickness; it’s with having nature of the chronic disease. So it is somehow treatable. Yes, if we concentrate on what we eat. How much or […]

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This lady is incredible. Has spoken why bullying is a wrong aspect of those with Schizophrenia. In such a way, she shows her exemplary life and her energy to work in challenging ways. And she learns you not be so much wrong. People often aren’t bad. It’s the people who were treating Schizophrenia by pouring […]

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Some people back before 2010 were ill against people of psychiatry. And the same thing happened many thousands not only in the USA but also in many countries in industrial Europe. The history is that people got abused since they didn’t know how to help. And there was zero control of what you would want […]

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When someone is mental, there indeed are those who keep them away in dungeons and castles. These people often knew how it was in a place. But indeed, it was not the ill who was ill, those who used their time to earn money on the grind, where patients just became what they tried them […]

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When people look for root causes of any health issue, they have to dig to the bottom of the source. And then find solutions removing particular addictive medicine. But indeed, there is a catch getting away from problems. But often, it’s just a root cause of many things. So looking for tools to heal people, […]

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This video is unique, and from back in the 1950s, when we talk about this illness that was drastically secluding people, just by linguistical problems, you might have been marked as Schizophrenic.

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(May 26, 2010) Professor Robert Sapolsky finishes his lecture on language and then dives into his discussion about schizophrenia. He discusses environmental factors and genetic characteristics that could apply to people who are affected. He describes schizophrenia as a disease of thought disorder and inappropriate emotional attributes.

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