We have many questions about a healthy immune system. And a healthy immune system is a healthy brain immune system. Researchers have already back in 2010 discovered that there is an immune system in the brain. Surely it is that the brain’s immune system has lymphocytes. Like with activation of the immune system in the […]

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The main reason by science today to attain Schizophrenia is infection. Vaccines give mild infection. But maybe? Is Schizophrenia by hypothesis a different variant of HIV? It’s not a chronic sickness; it’s with having nature of the chronic disease. So it is somehow treatable. Yes, if we concentrate on what we eat. How much or […]

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(May 26, 2010) Professor Robert Sapolsky finishes his lecture on language and then dives into his discussion about schizophrenia. He discusses environmental factors and genetic characteristics that could apply to people who are affected. He describes schizophrenia as a disease of thought disorder and inappropriate emotional attributes.

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